Hope Unitarian Church Foundation, Inc. serves as the endowment fund for Hope Unitarian Church.


Photo of the churchThe Foundation was incorporated in 1973 to accept and manage the funds being collected to build the church’s current building.  Once the church was completed in 1977, the fund became inactive.  In 1988, a church member made a significant gift on the condition that the Foundation be reactivated, and its purposes be redefined.


We exist to support the long-range goals of the church, by soliciting and receiving special gifts and bequests, and managing, investing, and distributing the funds prudently.

Currently, the Foundation distributes its earnings, subject to certain calculations, each year to the church.  A portion is given directly to the Minister’s Discretionary Fund, and the church is free to use the remainder in any way it thinks best.  Gifts for special projects can also be requested.

Past uses of the funds include:  Fees to long-range planning professionals, denominational involvement, professional conferences and training, marketing and membership growth, and a contribution toward the purchase of the church’s current HVAC system.


The Foundation is a separate entity from the church.  It is an Oklahoma nonprofit corporation designated under Sec. 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code as exempt from federal income tax.  It is administered by a Board of Directors.

The members of the Foundation are the elected Board of Trustees of Hope Unitarian Church.  The Foundation’s directors report the Foundation’s activities to the Board at an annual meeting.  Hope’s Board of Trustees is responsible for electing (and re-electing) the directors.


The bulk of the Foundation’s funds are invested with the Tulsa Community Foundation, one of the largest community foundations in the country, with over $4 billion in assets.  In this way we are not only able to support the church, but also the wider community of which it is a part.

More about Tulsa Community Foundation:  https://tulsacf.org/

Growing the Foundation

Child with wagon on playgroundThe Foundation relies on contributions from the members of Hope Unitarian Church.  We encourage you to think in terms of development, enrichment, and the future.

We want to emphasize that these contributions should only be in addition to your generous ongoing support of the church’s annual operations.  Accordingly, these donations most often take the form of memorial gifts, and gifts from a member’s estate (legacy gifts).

Options for legacy gifts:

  • Include the Foundation in your will.
  • Include the Foundation as a beneficiary of a charitable remainder trust.
  • Make the Foundation a beneficiary of a retirement account or life insurance policy.

The Foundation recommends discussing your options with your estate planner.

Hope Legacy Society

If you decide to make a legacy gift, we would very much appreciate it if you would advise us of your intentions.  Please use the form below to notify us. We have established the Hope Legacy Society to recognize and honor those who have included the Foundation in their estate plans.

HUCF Legacy Form

Contact Us

We are happy to answer any questions about any aspect of the Foundation, at foundation@hopeuu.org

If you prefer a phone call, please contact the church for a list of current list of directors.