Hope’s Feed the Homeless program began in the 1990s.

6952201_s 2On the third Saturday of each month members and friends of Hope prepare a hot meal (the menu and recipes developed by a professional chef) for over a hundred people at The Tulsa Day Center for the Homeless.

A preparation team meets at the church in the afternoon to prepare the meal. We are especially proud of our youth and children who help in this ministry. Once a year we prepare and serve the same meal for an after church luncheon and fundraiser, with all proceeds going to the Feed the Homeless Program.

If you would like to participate in this activity please contact the church office. It is some of the most rewarding work you will ever do.

Monthly Needs

Please keep bringing in donations for the Day Center.

The Day Center has many ongoing needs including:

  • Underwear for men and women, including bras
  • Socks of all sizes
  • Coats
  • Tennis Shoes
  • Towels
  • Long sleeve shirts
  • Pants and Jeans
  • Sweatpants
  • Sweatshirts

Place your donations in the large basket in Fellowship Hall.