Monthly Generosity Recipient
There’s an old saying that it’s not a worship service unless an offering is received. At Hope we believe it’s important to take an offering at each worship service, but we don’t believe the offering is for our financial benefit. Instead, Hope gives away the plate offering—not once a month, but every Sunday. We do this so our church might set an example for others.
Each month, we give away ALL of the undesignated funds from our Sunday Offering. The Outreach Committee chooses organizations that support Hope’s mission. Recent Generosity recipients have included:
- BeHeard Movement
- South Tulsa Community House
- The Pencil Box
- Tulsa SPCA
- The Surayya Anne Foundation
- Oklahoma People First
The Order of Service contains a weekly announcement about where the money will go that week. In a typical year, the amount given away is approximately $10,000.
People sometimes ask how the church is financially supported if we give away the plate. We ask members and friends of the church to make an annual pledge of financial support. We encourage people to give to Hope until it feels good.