In the lectionary for this week, in Ezekiel 18:2 (and again in Jeremiah 31), we find an ancient proverb lifted up from the Hebrew prophets: The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children’s teeth are set on edge. Both prophets argue, that in the days ahead, this proverb will no longer be true. They posit that future generations will no longer be inextricably linked to the actions of their ancestors. The shift of accountability will no longer be generational and relational (vertical) but generational and individual (horizontal). What will make this parable no longer true? What could possibly break the cycle of historical generational wrongs: poverty, addiction, violence, and racism, to just name a few? How do we not perpetuate the dysfunction of the former systems that created the now in which we live? Join me as I explore how to break the cycle, individually and systemically, in these anxious times.