Speaker: Rev. Greg Stewart

Out of Many, One

Religion, for many, presents one dualism after another: it’s right or wrong, black or white, gay marriage or “traditional marriage,” Jesus or Buddha, Big Bang or Adam and Eve. Yet a dualist worldview no longer squares with the world itself. In fact, to live among nature’s unity while interpreting it dually creates a life out … Continue reading Out of Many, One

Nathan McCall’s Dilemma

You would never know by looking at him that the accomplished Washington Post columnist Nathan McCall had earned his journalism degree while serving time in prison. McCall easily fits our image of the Black Urban Professional. McCall didn’t come from an impoverished inner-city neighborhood but grew up in a middle class African-American enclave that drew … Continue reading Nathan McCall’s Dilemma

Color Blind or Color Bound?

Please join members of the social justice committee and me as we take a critical look at race matters within Unitarian Universalism. Recent calls for an end to white supremacy within our movement seem to have fallen on sympathetic ears, yet our past work in this area has rendered meager results. I believe religious liberals … Continue reading Color Blind or Color Bound?

If You Keep Silent

This is the story of Esther, a Jewish woman who could not keep silent and hide her identity any longer. Even her husband, the king, does not know about her origins. What role did race play in ancient times? What can it teach us about race matters? Together, let’s explore why Esther is relevant to … Continue reading If You Keep Silent

Christmas Eve Service

Join us on December 24 for our virtual Christmas Eve service! This is a traditional service of lessons and carols, ending with a virtual candlelighting–for this year, you’ll need to provide your own candles. 🙂   It will be streamed live from the sanctuary on Zoom and Facebook at 6:00.   Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/92484402622?pwd=djhvQk1hckhWcndtMGhaOElOYnRZdz09 Passcode: … Continue reading Christmas Eve Service

Don’t Put Off Being Happy

I once heard a preacher say, “Don’t let anything steal your joy.” Let’s explore happiness and holiness as we enter a season that seems to have little of either this year. How do we find true happiness? What in the world is holiness? Here are some lessons about happiness you’ll never forget!

Hope is Yours!

It’s one of those old conundrums: we must lose hope in order to find it. What will it take to be the embodiment of hope, of being hope itself? I’ll offer three ways of doing so, regardless of your circumstances or beliefs. This is the final installment of the Hope Series.

Where in the World is Hope?

All around the world, hope abounds in the everydayness of life. When ordinary people rise above their circumstances and make life better for others, hope is restored. We’ll survey some of the projects and plans that were built on hope.

Hope is Suffering

Sometimes hope eludes us. We may have to endure hardships and the waiting almost takes us to the breaking point. What is the role of our sufferings on the road to Hope? Why isn’t that road easy to navigate?