Speaker: Rev. Greg Stewart

Hope is Fleeting

Author Steve Goodier, writing about the human spirit, has observed, “It seems to run on nothing but a morsel of hope. Without it, you have nothing. With it, nothing else matters.” Is it really darkest before the dawn? What if dawn never comes? We’ll consider the experiences of poet Alexander Pope, Brigadier General Robinson “Robbie” … Continue reading Hope is Fleeting

Hope is Costly

How much are you willing to pay to find hope in your life? Are you willing to count the cost? Can you go the distance? We’ll look at the lives of World War II martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the primatologist Jane Goodall, both of whom paid a high price in their search for hope.

Hope is Power

Hope changes things. When its power is unleashed in a world of inequality, real transformation is possible, individually and corporately. We’ll explore hope’s power through the example of Gandhi, the persistence of people in Zambia, and by a woman who took on the IRS.

Hope is Risky

There’s often a risk involved when hope is engaged. We experience the risk of hope when we live life as our truest selves. But this is almost never easy. What is it in your life that is worth the risk of being hopeful and hope-filled?

Hope Is Chosen

We make choices every day. Some are easy and others are challenging, even life-changing. Let’s take a look at the life of Nelson Mandela and discover how, in his darkest hours, he found the light of hope. New! Download the Order of Celebration Order of Celebration – PDF

Service Cancelled

Sunday’s in-person service is cancelled, but you can visit our Video Sermons page to listen to Rev. Greg’s sermons as they are posted.