Speaker: Steven Leigh Williams
Speaking Truth to Power: A Liberationist Reading of Palm Sunday
This week is Palm Sunday in the Christian tradition. As the story goes, this was the day when Jesus made his triumphal return to Jerusalem, riding into the city on a young donkey behind a procession of people who are waving palm fronds and rejoicing. This marks the beginning of his journey to the cross … Continue reading Speaking Truth to Power: A Liberationist Reading of Palm Sunday
Saint Marsha and the Spirit of Vulnerability
Marsha P Johnson – or “Saint Marsha,” as some called her – was a trans, disabled, and often homeless drag queen in NYC. She devoted her life to helping her fellow marginalized humans to give and receive community care. St. Marsha teaches us that no matter who you are or what you have or don’t … Continue reading Saint Marsha and the Spirit of Vulnerability
Reinventing Ourselves 2.0: Pandemic Edition
The past year has disrupted and reordered nearly everything we thought we knew about our world and ourselves. The natural reaction to this is anxiety, grief, and a yearning for things to “go back to normal.” But there is no going back – only forward. We try so hard to hang on to what we … Continue reading Reinventing Ourselves 2.0: Pandemic Edition